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Iselda’s bass lines were thick like glue. Her and Jonny would often mirror the same riff and drive the temperature of the room up.

- Book I, T-Minus

The super ego projection of Jonny’s psyche, Iselda is flawlessly sexy and self-assured, while her main talent is giving the band’s jam a grooving backbone. Iselda manifests Jonny’s sophisticated talent, as she embodies a confident idealism that steadies the hectic musical meditation in the woodshed. Iselda is the reflection in the mirror that Jonny holds himself to, her intoxicating and affirming basslines extending from Jonny’s underlying belief in his artistry, and in himself.  She quells Altony’s aggressive chatter and brushes aside the waves of anxiety that Lucky constantly surfs on. Her reliable and assertive basslines mediate the vision of Lucky’s flighty keys, Altony’s hard-hitting rhythm, and Jonny’s screaming lead.

 “Cut the boy some slack, sleaze ball. A wizard is never late.” Said a soft voice behind a bass guitar… if she wasn’t so devilishly attractive, she could’ve been described as angelic.

- Iselda to Altony, Book I


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