“You sure you aight?”
“Yea mate, I eat concrete for breakfast.I’ll clean it up and put some ice on there at the restaurant.”
- Kiwi to Jonny, Book II
A successful chef at a trendy restaurant, Kiwi lives fast, both in and out of the kitchen. Equally passionate about skating and surfing as he is towards evading any state of sober. A social butterfly by nature, amongst his long list of New York acquaintances, Kiwi's found his first real friends in the city to be El Niño, Sherm, and Jonny.
He sported a long mop of wavy hair under a red canvas bucket hat. His arms were covered with black tribal tattoos, exposed by his lack of sleeves.
- Book I, T-Minus
Living across from each other at Hope Mansions, Kiwi befriended El Niño, and gained a Spanish shadow. Neither speaking the others language, the duo duped El Kiwi bumble through each day in a shared ganja daze.
“You really don’t speak any Spanish, huh.”
“Mate, I hear it all day with this one, and all night in the kitchen. I understand the kid better than he does himself!”
“Hm, I would keep studying, bro. No sabes ni papa.”
- Jonny & Kiwi, Book I